Just Venting

Ever thought about giving up? ever thought about just throwing away your dreams because you feel as if you dont have the support of others? Idk about yall but its happen to me too many times with this blog. I think that's one of the reason why I dont post everyday besides me working and not wanting to post the same shit you can read on everybody else's pages. Trust I love to express myself and get stuff of my chest. I love the people that come to my blog and read my opinions but sometimes I wonder, If I just left this blog and never looked back who would notice .. Then I have my days where a stranger or friend my mention my blog and I feel as if my work is not going unnoticed, but when I ask for feedback or things of that nature I go ignored. So it's frustrating at times, BUT I'm NOT giving up. I like to write I like to express and I like to blog about what's on my mind so No matter if NOONE reads this blog I will continue to do me.. I do this for me and nobody else .. Just had to get that off my chest. I say it all the time I love my supporters .. and I know I have to work harder to get more of them. I'm not done with the page yet my ideas are out of the roof .. 
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