My Movie Night Texas Chainsaw & Haunted House

This Friday Night!!!! (Katy Perry Voice)

       This friday I took myself on a date, I had dinner and a movie, I seen Texas Chainsaw as well as Haunted House. 
Now I read the comments on this movie, some hated it and some loved it. Now for me personally I thought the movie was okay the story line was kind of off and they took no time to start killing in the movie, Since it was a continuation of the 1st movie I feel it could have been better. Now as for Trey Songz people thought that he was supposed to be more dramatic blah blah ect, I feel for his first movie and for the role he played he did a good job, no it wasn't the greatest acting in the world but what was you expecting from this part it didn't go that deep. I'll give this movie a 3 out of 5

After seeing blood and chainsaws I watched A Haunted House this movie definitely had me in tears. If you liked scary movie 1 & 2 you will like this movie. Some parts felt forced but overall it  was good time. The previews definitely didn't show off all of the funny parts which people were wondering. 
I'll give this a 4 out of 5 

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Anonymous said...

I kinda wanna see A Haunted House, probably won't pay for that one. And as for Texas Chainsaw...i ive never seen the first and a sequel now seems pointless lol

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