I always notice that people like to place their business on social sites. WHY?!?!?
Why do you think its soo easy for people to get caught cheating of social sites. People always place their business out there.People feen for people to know their relationship status that if you are creeping then you make this easy for you main piece to see whats going on duh! Everybody knows this but still do the dumb action of placing info about where you are and who you with!.
I see females do it the most, but some guys are starting to get into this "trend". They get on sites like twitter and facebook and vent about a lover,or money issues ect. I personally dont see the need to put all of your business on these sites. If you are mad at your bf/gf and you place a subliminal status for them to get mad or set the record straight,But to give the blow by blow about everything about you argument is bananas. I'm not even gonna lie I do look at those status in my timeline and laugh at them because the min you say something they get upset.For example Girl-You a broke ass no job having ass nigga, Thats why you always asking me for money..... Then when somebody brings this up later .."Thats why ya man is broke" the Girl will say "Fuck outta here my man gets money".. This is a lie because you just placed all of you business out on the street and cant take it when its thrown in ya face. If you dont want people to have shit to throw in your face then dont place ALL your business on social sites. Especially when everybody knows that you will be taking this man back.
I see more emotional males on twitter.. If a chick doesn't want to follow you or answer your Dms (Direct Messages) they try to roast you.. Or if you say something they dont like they try to play you. Thas just the same as a female placing her business for the street. Because it shows how lame you are. There are many of people on twitter and you mad cause 1 female dont like you, or wants to give you attention. That makes you lame to me .. Roasting is funny when the two people have tough skin and they are only playing. When roasting to get your follower count up makes you lame to me ..Is that all you are good for?. Damn
Some people are so emotional that they have to vent no matter where they are. I used to be that way but I grew out of it. When I was in high school anytime I was mad I would post it on there, but as I got older I stoped because its not a good feeling when the truth that I put out was thrown back in my face when I thought everything was kool in my life. The truth smacked me and I decied instead of posting my business for others to read I would deal with them. I made this blog to vent because I like to type and get grew into something more.. Thas why I can speak on this subject because Ive been through it myself. Well the being upset with a lover venting part lol .
Speak on it if you like .. I like to hear what yall have to say .
Untill Next Time =* Muah SWAK Much Love -Ms.Truth
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