The LOSERS Of Twitter

OOOHHH BOYYY there are so many different types of Lames & Losers of twitter.. from the no tweeter, tweet watchers, non-funny tweeter, emotional tweeters, rapper tweeters, to the dick in hand tweeter. If your wondering what that is ill explain

Okay so the the No tweeters are the people that tweet once in a blue or once every 3 months, so wass the point of having a twitter.. #kicksyouoffmyfollowers.

Tweet watchers- you have 2 different types. 1-the person that reads everybody page and page hop & steal people tweets or talk about them in subtweets. 2-the person thats a no tweeter that once u unfollow them they quick 2 unfollow you .. FYI YOUR A LOSER!!.

Non-funny tweeter.. every tt they go in on is weak. and u lookin at they tweets like stop it NOW! #killyaself thanks youll be doing us a favor

Emotional tweeters. the lames that ALWAYYYSSS write depressing shyt on ya timeline, bring all negative shyt to ya timeline, go get a psychiatrist from ron artest & bust a nut and youll be fine..

Rapper tweeters. aww man the people that not following u, but want u to listen to some song they made in the grandmother basement.. sound like hot garbage smh ,, NOBODY CARES go get how to be a rapper for dummies book and study.

Last but not least
Dick in hand tweeters, with titty tuesday , twitterafterdark, ect these are the no pussy gettin niggas that sit and wait for a lame chick to show some tittys on twitter and get the beating. smh sad. and these thirsty ass bitches give them what they want to the point they have a twitterafter dark web page.. smh get some pussy u LOSER!!..

Trust they are different types of twitter lames but these are the ones i see mostly.. Ill unfollow someone quick..
Speaking of twitter @Jus_STFU is the name #Nshit .. twitter aint what it used to be but i still fucks with it =)

Untill next time =* S.W.A.K.
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Anonymous said...

lmao ur add is crazy

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