I was jus on twitter talking to @iBeValentina and the TT (Trending Topic For Those That Dont Use Twitter) was #UnlikeOtherGirls, she said Unlike other girls I like watching horror flicks..
That got me the thinking about how much I like horror movies, but the kicker is that they are funny to me tho ..I was thinking about the SAW films and how much I like them .. I'm stuck to those movies. The very last one comes out next month =(. There are mad horror films that came out this year / coming out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_horror_films:_2010 & this is what to come next year http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_horror_films:_2011 ..
I dont have a favorite horror flim I jus like what I like.. Even tho there are alot of WACK!! ones ALOT!
Even tho its not a movie I'm a huge fan of True Blood.. That's my show .. Idk what it is about the show..well maybe because it a fucking great ass show lol.. Season Finale comes on sept 12th.. I'm ready .. I dont watch Twlight idk I never wanted to watch it.. I heard it was good tho .. maybe one day I'll sit and watch it..
Need to get up on some more dvd's the winter coming .. And its nothing better that being cuddled up either with a dude or some covers and watching a good movie =) ..
Like in scream "Rules to surival in a horror movie never say I'll be right back "
So I'll say Untill Next Time lol =* Muah SWAK
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