Coming Soon: Sealed Kiss Top 10 Hip-Hop Albums of 2012

Later on today it goes down 5 music head debating the top 10 hip-hop albums of 2012. Who will be number 1? There were a lot of major hit and flops this year, so we will see who even makes the cut as well as make it to that number 1 spot. And a bonus will be I'm giving MY top 5 r&b albums.. and the mixtapes that I fell in love in with this year .. So stay tuned for that and much more.. Much Love Happy New Year -Truth 
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Time to change my life and get healthy

This year I've had some issues with my health, mainly because I can't seem to eat right, it's nothing but fast food around me. I can never seem to tell myself NO. I need some real motivation to get in the gym and change my life. I already started making the steps like having an alarm that goes off on my phone everyday to remind me to get and be healthy.I love my size don't get me wrong I'm a size 16 and loving every curve (sometimes just being honest) but going from having my gallbladder removed to chest and back pain it's time to get healthy. I love fruits and vegetables so it shouldn't be hard right, WRONG I work all types of hours if I do eat it's once a day and its rarely healthy, now I won't front I have my days where I'll bust down a grilled chicken salad but I need more options and with that being the ONLY healthy option around fried chicken and cheeseburgers. I need to get healthy and change my life. I'll start off small, no pills no wild diet just removing something from my eating routine one or two things at a time. The new year is coming and I'll be 25 so I want to start leaving these health issues in the past. I'll honestly will try to keep you guys posted on my journey today is the 1st day. 
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