Feeling okay.. this morning was great =) and the rest of the day was blah .. Had a convo last night that pretty much made me want to take 100 steps away.. But I wont even speak on it cause it a waste of time even thinking about it .I swear I put myself in these wild ass predicaments.But hey I look at it as a lesson learned.All in the end It was me making the same mistake again, even tho it didnt look like that at first.. But moving right along...... Anytime something goes on in my life I feel the need to tell somebody, call somebody and tell them what jus happen to me or something I'm mad about. but I realized that I have to become way more private. I've started already not ready to call everybody in my circle and tell them everything thas going on in my life. I always think in the back of my mind what can be used against me in the future. Not saying that it will happen. But shyt I'm known for having fall outs with people. so ehh.. But since I've moved I become more of a loner and I pretty much okay with that I'm used it .. and plus I stay out of DRAMA.. thank the lord on that one. will be more to myself when it comes to the guys I talk to or the dude I decide to make my boyfriend or something like that. I enjoy writing it comes easy to me, I like typing freely whatever comes to my mind. Will be updating this more then normal. =* S.W.A.K .. P.s. decided to add song to these post so here's my 1st song. Call me by Joell Ortiz I love this song
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Yeast Infection No More Review
Yeast An infection No Extra is a system written by creator Linda Allen that
gives a 5 step holistic strategy to curing candida, mostly known as a yeast
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