Me and "Him"

Horoscope from the other day
You could have stars in your eyes today, tempting you to reach beyond your normal limits. On one hand, this can lead to something wonderful as you take an opportunity you might otherwise pass by. But on the other hand, you could upset the security that you've worked to achieve by gambling your future on a risky venture. There's no simple answer to the choice you must make, so consider all options carefully before saying yes. -(Via Twittascope)

UMMM.. makes me wonder I haven't been thinking or paying attention to my horoscope cause most of the time it be bullshit...but this made me think of him.. do I really wanna gamble what we have to POSSIBLY have something with him. I care about what we have and what we have built over the years..I kno how he is and I definitely kno how I am so hmmmm.. Right now I feel like backin away.. not getting my feeling attached to him n that light.... For some reason I stopped lookin at him as a friend and looked at him as a potential boyfriend. That scares me cause it confusing, when he starts to act like a damn dummy I want to jus stay n the friend zone and back off and lock off my feelings like i have been doin for the past year..but then when we are around each other its like we have been dating for mad long and it doesnt seem weird it jus naturally happens.. stuck btwn a rock and hard place on this one. ughh why me why ?? Sometimes I do think am I jus forcing myself to diqq him more than normal.. but since I havent been looking at him as a friend I cant say that I have been forcing myself.. Idk mane .....I just let it flow I dont try to force or push anything.. but the way things been goin im confused as ever..Like now its like he dont look at me as a friend and be able to talk to me when something is wrong ... dont get it twisted I love our friendship and I dont want that to change I want us to be able to still do all the things we do as friends then.. now .. idk sometimes I rather just back out of this and jus stay n the friend zone and keep the heart on lock I dont think its time to unlock it yet.. I feel its been locked up this long why let out of the cage now and break it again... idk lets see how this goes... I keep u posted =* (S.W.A.K)

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